Many years ago 'Marsh Loves Mallow' was born, it was born after the excitement of finding & making a recipe for marshmallows one Valentines Day. My then boyfriend & now husband 'James' (who has the biggest sweet tooth) was the gift receiver, lets just say it wasn't necessarily my best batch of mallows but it was something tasty & I felt it was something fresh & different & a good place to start.
Fast forward a few years procrastinating, a previous life in corporate, a redundancy, a leap of faith & a pandemic half way through the life of the business I am here a few years deep creating & making mouthwatering goodies for our customers far & wide.
A self taught mallow maker & baker, I've created a delicious range of marshmallow flavours & on top of that ventured into the realm of baking, creating tasty treats of all kinds. Throughout everything I've continued to use high quality ingredients that are produced in the UK where possible like Cornish butter, Free range eggs and British Fair trade sugar, other ingredients are from rainforest alliance & sustainably sourced producers & also some local small businesses.
I started out at local food markets, built an online presence for website restocks sending orders far and wide around the UK which has been so exciting to see & also been part of couples weddings & other celebrations, as we started to create smores & dessert stations for our lovely customers.
As changes are made to create a more sustainable business moving forward for my own mental health & the life of Marsh Loves Mallow. I am excited to see what can be built in uncertain times & to welcome new & current customers back time & time again.
Marsh Loves Mallow has always had a heart & positive energy behind it & this will continue as we move onwards and upwards with MLOVESM & other positive ventures.
If you are new & just reading this a big hello and welcome, I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about my business & if you have been around a while I'm so pleased and thankful for all your support so far.
Lots of Mallow Love